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Animal mating role play.

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    Male characters


    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    Male characters Empty Male characters

    Post  ZephyrRose Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:51 am

    Approved Male Characters

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-01-03
    Age : 34
    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

    Male characters Empty Re: Male characters

    Post  Horseobsser Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:36 pm

    I guess I'm starting all the males

    Male characters Dalmatian-puppy-thumb6679058
    Name: Tyler
    Age: 5
    Gender: Male
    Breed: Liver spotted dalmatian
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: No
    Submissive/Dominant: Both
    Personality: He is calm and very understanding.He doesnt get mad easily and is easy to get along with.He is patient and respectful,caring and kind.He can get a little snappy if you get on his nerves.This male likes females. He doesnt arouse around males.

    Male characters Australian-Shepherd-fb
    Name: Shade
    Age: 3 1/2
    Gender: Male
    Breed: Australian shepherd
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: Yes
    Offspring: (would love to have some)
    Mate: (looking)
    Submissive/Dominant: Sub when it comes to mounting
    Personality: Shade is a fun loving guy.He likes playing and running around and swimming.He has a great personality that consist of,playfulness,craziness,caring,kind,funny,clumsy, and loving.He has lots of love to share and hopefully finds a mate one day.

    Male characters Shar-peigraziausia
    Name: Rambo
    Age: 4
    Gender: Male
    Breed: shar pei
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: Yes
    Submissive/Dominant: Dom 
    Personality: Rambo is a rambunctious dog who likes to play and have fun.He does have a mean side that will show when he feels threatened or the need to show dominance.he is a pretty fun guy when you crack his 'Act tough' side.

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-01-03
    Age : 34
    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

    Male characters Empty Re: Male characters

    Post  Horseobsser Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:39 pm

    Male characters Doberman-pinscher-vinnie

    Name: Vinnie
    Age: 4
    Gender: Male
    Breed: Doberman pinscher
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: No
    Submissive/Dominant: Both
    Personality: Vinnie isnt a fussy guy.He's pretty chill and goes with the flow.His personality can change depending on the other characters attitude.If he gets respect he gives respect,if he doesnt get respect he wont give respect.He is one that would rape your character if your character gets him mad enough.You wont have to worry about that thought

    Posts : 142
    Join date : 2012-01-03
    Age : 34
    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

    Male characters Empty Re: Male characters

    Post  Horseobsser Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:47 am

    Name: Harley
    Male characters Presa_canario_183_2
    Age: 3
    Gender: Male
    Breed: Dog-Presa Canrio
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: No
    Fucked with: XX
    Received/given oral: xx
    Raped: XX
    Impregnated: XX
    Enslaved: XX
    Offspring: XX
    Family: XX
    Met: xx
    Friends: XX
    Mate: XX
    Crush: XX
    Submissive/Dominant: Dominant
    Personality: Harley likes to be the guy in power. He dosnt like to take anything from anyone. he likes to be in change of the females and he will try for a little to sweet talk a girl but if it takes to long he will just go out and rape.

    Name: Taz
    Male characters 3398743689_ee1594169b
    (dosnt have colar)
    Age: 5
    Gender: Male
    Breed: Dog-Mix breed
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: No
    Fucked with: XX
    Received/given oral: xx
    Raped: XX
    Impregnated: XX
    Enslaved: XX
    Offspring: XX
    Family: XX
    Met: xx
    Friends: XX
    Mate: XX
    Crush: XX
    Submissive/Dominant: submissive
    Personality: Taz is a kind guy and would rather get to know a girl before he dosnt anything odd or sexual.

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    Male characters Empty Re: Male characters

    Post  ZephyrRose Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:51 pm

    Male characters 2mmfk2o

    name- Marshall
    gender- male
    breed- german shepherd
    age- 4

    Precisely twenty-six inches tall, and ninety-one pounds in weight, Marshall can be described as larger than most dogs of his breed, though not by much. His fur and coloring is that of any other German Shepherd: a mixture of darker tan and jet black colors, and is rather rough and long hair due to the conditions he grew up in. His muzzle, as well as the middle area of his body and the bottom of all four paws, range from a creamy off-white color to a darker tan, while the rest of him is mostly black. Marshall has eyes the color of almonds: a classic brown color. Overall, he is quite a handsome dog; more so than many.

    Marshall has a real 'keep-to-himself' kind of personality. He will never approach another animal, and will not speak to nor communicate with anyone in anyway unless they are the one to start it. It is not that Marshall is a shy dog, but more that he does not enjoy the company of others. When one does share a conversation with him, however, he is quite rude and may not acknowledge you much. Still, there may be that occasional dog who takes the real time to figure Marshall out, and that will be the dog who will really understands him.
    He is bold; never afraid to cross lines or throw himself into a situation, despite how dangerous it may be. The German Shepherd has lived his entire life believing that you can not win without trying, and that what does not kill him, will only make him stronger. Whether this is true or not, may eternally remain unknown to Marshall, but it is what he says to himself to keep moving on with life, and so he has to believe it to be true.

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