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Animal mating role play.

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    Post  ZephyrRose Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:52 am

    Approved female characters.

    (just copy your character info down as a reply here after i approve it)

    Last edited by ZephyrRose on Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    Female characters Empty Dakota. {APPROVED}

    Post  ZephyrRose Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:31 am

    Female characters 5487504068_243ba21abf

    Song Titling The Form Sections - Rocketeer By Far East Movement

    Here We Go,
    Come With Me
    There's A World Out There That We Should See
    Golden Retriever
    Take My Hand
    A Mere Two Years

    And We'll Fly
    The Build
    Dakota's build is like most other goldens. She has medium sized legs that hold strong and are meant for running and swimming. Her body is lean and compact, giving her speed and agility that all gun dogs should have. Her head holds proudly on her shoulders and neck which are strong and well muscled

    The Coat
    Dakota has a coat that is soft and smooth, holding fur that is extremely silky. Her tail, chest, legs, ears, and most else are feathery, while her ears are darker then the rest of her pelt, her chest, stomach, and legs are much lighter, almost white in color. Her back, shoulders, and head are a rich golden yellow color, making her the spokesmen of her breed

    The Features
    Dakota also holds the features of a true golden dog. Her nose is nearly coal black, shining with moisture and her eyes are a rich, deep chocolaty brown that shine softly in almost any light

    The Personality
    In a mere two words, Dakota could be described as both tough and innocent. A peculiar combination of words for a dog with an extraordinarily peculiar personality. The young golden retriever initially appears to be an angelic, celestial, and naive young dog. One look at her and you will automatically assume the golden retriever to be nothing but a pretty, sweet, petty girl who has lost her way. It is only after you have shared even the simplest of conversations with Dakota that you realize just how cunning, shrewd, and judicious she really is. The majority of her life could easily be described as a never-ending fight for survival, so it is no surprise that she is a bit ambitious. Still, Dakota manages to take 'a bit' to an entirely new level. She will make just about everything and anything into a competition; a competition that she will allow herself, and only herself, to be be the winner of. Of course, this causes most dogs to dislike, and even hate, Dakota, which results in her considerably lacking in the friend department. Even so, if one were only to take the time to get to know what the Golden Retriever is like behind her tough dog facade, they might see more than an insolent narcissist. They might see that she really is that innocent wolf they initially saw her as, only she has been pushed around so much in life, that it has been a necessity for her to adjust her personality in order to survive.

    The History
    She could have been happy with her life. Dakota was born into what was probably the best home she could ever imagine. Her dad used to tell her stories of it: A big white mansion with a yard the size of a forest, a seventeen-year-old girl named Sarah, who had taken care of her from the start, the teenager's parents, who were never home, Sarah's little brother, who would spend hours on the navy blue carpeted floor, playing with Dakota and her four siblings. Sometimes, even now, Dakota stared up at the day sky and try to remember the little details; what it felt like to be loved as someone's pet, to have a big yard, a family, all the food in the world. Because it was her biggest wish, of course she could not remember any of the good things. When Dakota forced herself to think back as far as possible, all she could remember was the fire.

    Then came the day she fell upon a group of strays like herself, varying in breeds. Dakota found a home with them for a while, and they could almost erase the pain of losing her entire family. She met a Siberian Husky her age there, whom she soon became very fond of. He was kind to Dakota, and really seemed to understand her. Whatever it was she felt for him, she could tell he felt it too. The way he talked to her, the way he treated her, shared his food with her, always sat just a tad bit too close to her. When she was one year old, the Golden Retriever could have sworn they were in love. Then he just had to ditch her for the stupid girly poodle with her old, glittery, pink collar and the frayed red bow on her head that she refused to take off because apparently it reminded her of her old home. Oh, how Dakota came to hate that poodle. She might have actually killed the female one day if a certain Siberian Husky hadn't suggested she leave, saying 'It's for the best.'

    Dakota didn't give him the satisfaction of leaving right away. She put up a fight. It was only when he said she could stay that she glared at him, said, 'I don't need your permission to do anything,' and left of her own free will, only to wonder down the streets once again, all alone. Fast forward another two months, and now Dakota lives in a small farm town she fell upon on her journey. She does not know how long she plans to stay, but has decided to simply wait it out.

    With You Right Here

    I'm A Rocketeer

    Posts : 142
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    Age : 34
    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

    Female characters Empty Re: Female characters

    Post  Horseobsser Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:51 pm

    Female characters Dinah_-_Rough_Tri_Color_Female_Collie_3years4

    Black Collie
    Sweet, loving, caring
    Agility runner

    Posts : 1
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    Location : In your house. Stealing your tea.

    Female characters Empty Skylla

    Post  Tessy Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:13 am

    Age - 1 1/2
    Gender- female
    Breed- Alaskan malamute/ husky mix

    Female characters Another-picture-husky

    She is a very nice dog. She can be rude if she has too. She will only be hostile if someone is trying to invade her personal space and privacy. She isn't too open so don't count on getting information from her.

    As a pup she was raised in a life of poverty and low health standards. She was in puppy mills. She got out before anything bad happened. She doesn't like speaking about her past that much cause of all the things she saw. She is alone most of the time due to not wanting to speak to anyone. Her voice is low due to not much talking .
    --Will add more to the history later (When I come out of Artist and Writers block)--


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    Post  Horseobsser Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:37 pm

    Female characters Irish_2DRed_2Dand_2DWhite_2DSetter_2Ddog1
    Name: Ali
    Age: 3
    Gender: Female 
    Breed: Irish red and white setter
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: Yes
    Impregnated: No
    Personality: She is friendly and very playful.She will most likely never say no to a good romp or play.She is kind and open hearted,always up for a new idea.She is caring and willing,smart and loves to solve problems.Ali is a fun loving girl Who likes a good romp or swim

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    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

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    Post  Horseobsser Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:29 pm

    Female characters Ba-Woody_0500903626
    Name: Champ
    Age: 5 1/2
    Gender: Female
    Breed: Flat coated retriever
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: No
    Personality: Shes crazy and clumsy.She can be quite stubborn and sassy but if you treat her right she will be a good friend and play mate.She acts like a pup for her age and is always snooping around or being her curious self.She loves pups and hopes to settle down soon and have a family with a nice mate.

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    Age : 34
    Location : The White House :) (next to yours hehe)

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    Post  Horseobsser Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:41 pm

    Name: Pheonix
    Age: 2 1/2
    Gender: Female
    Breed: Australian shepherd
    Orientation: Straight
    Virgin: Yes
    Offspring: None
    Mate: None
    Personality: Pheonix is very reserved and quiet, and she usually goes right along with everybody else. She likes to stay on the sidelines for quite some time until she really gets to know somebody, and doesen't open up easily unless she's absolutley sure she trusts them. 
    Female characters L_MXFMCLRFCO10102008143553

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    Female characters Empty Re: Female characters

    Post  ZzZbadluckZzZ Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:02 am

    (so we put our chars we want to rp with and u approve them?)

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    Female characters Empty Re: Female characters

    Post  ZephyrRose Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:12 am

    yep :3

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